7 Thoughtful Prayers For My Niece




7 Thoughtful Prayers For My Niece

Are you looking for prayers for your niece? Then you are in the right place. Nieces are an integral part of your extended family. So you must count yourself blessed when you have a niece or nephew.

There are many activities you and your niece can do together. Just spending time with your niece can bring a lot of emotional benefits to you.

There is a lot you can do for your niece. But one special thing that makes a great difference in their life is to pray for your niece.

This article will help you pray for your niece. God will intervene in your niece’s life as you pray.

Spend time today and pray for that special niece of yours. 

Short Prayer For My Niece

Heavenly Father, I just want to thank you for my niece. What a great gift she is to us as a family.

A sweet little spirit. I bring her before your mighty throne.

I pray for your favor and grace upon her.

Lord, I ask that You empower her to live her life to glorify You . I pray that your will for her life will come to fruition.

Any plan of the enemy against her I cancel it in the Name of Jesus. I pray that your angels will build a shield around her.

Prosper everything she lays her hands on. To you be all praise. In Jesus’s Name. Amen

Prayers For My Niece On Her Birthday

God, today is my niece’s birthday, My niece is so dear to my heart. I can’t wait to celebrate the day with her.

Lord, I take this opportunity to pray for her on this special day. Lord l pray Luke 2:52 over her.

“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”( Luke 2:52)

Let this be her portion in Jesus’ Name.

Lord, i pray her day will be filled with joy and celebration. Anything that will bring sorry to her this day, i declare it cancel.

I pray for everyone joining to celebrate her. Bless and keep them. Thank you so much for the opportunity to live and see this day.

Lord, I don’t take my niece’s birthday today for granted at all. Not many people live to her age. So l count it as a special blessing.

To you be all praise. In Jesus’ Name. amen

Prayer For My Niece In Hospital

Lord God, my niece has been admitted to the hospital. It is a difficult time for all of us. But with you all things are possible.

I pray that you heal my niece of any of sickness afflicting her body. For you are the God who heals any sickness and disease.

That is why your Name is Jehovah Rapha. Meaning, the God who heals. (Exodus 15:26 NKJV).

I pray that through you, the doctors will find a quick remedy for my niece so she can be discharged from the hospital.

I also pray for the nurses taking care of her in the hospital. Lord bless them and filled their hearts with compassion for my niece.

Lord thank you and I can’t wait to see my niece back from the hospital. To you be all glory. In Jesus’ name Amen.

Prayer For My Niece Having Surgery

Hello God, I heard my niece is going for surgery. I am a bit concerned. But I put my trust in you. I know Lord you care so much about my niece.

Your love for her is beyond comprehension. I pray she goes into this surgery with confidence and hope.

I take authority over any anxiety on her mind right now. Grant her peace of mind in this difficult time.

I pray that you use the hands of the surgeons  to carry out this surgery with accuracy. I pray there will be no complications after the surgery.

I pray speedy recovery for her after the surgery. Lord give her the strength during and after this surgery,

To you be glory and praised. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Prayer For My Niece Healing

Dear Father, my niece needs urgent healing. You are our healer. Send your angels to bring healing to her.

Lord, I pray that every organ in her body will come into alignment and function properly. I pray that you grant her healing in other areas of her life.

Whether it be financial, emotional or spiritual healing.

Lord, I pray also for healing in her relationships. If there is any bitterness in her heart towards other people, help her to forgive.

May your healing power flow from the top of her head to the sole of her feet.

I decree and declare, that she receives total restoration and healing right now.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Prayer For Protection For My Niece

Lord God, am so protective of my niece. But you are our great protector. I trust you will keep and protect her from all evil.

Lord guide and protect her from any danger ahead of her today.

As she drives in her car today, protect her from any accidents.

I pray your angels will guide her in all her ways. Give her direction, so that she will know the way forward in any situation.

I pray that you protect her from any form of violence. I decree and declare that no weapon formed against her shall prosper.

May she understand the deep love you have for her. That alone will make her know, she is protected.

Lord thank you once again for your hand upon my niece. In Jesus’ Name, I pray Amen.

Prayer for My Niece’s Wedding

Dear Heavenly, my niece’s wedding is today. I thank for that you are joining her in a holy matrimony today.

I am happy for her Lord. This is all by your doings. I pray that she will have good weather today.

I pray for the guests attending her wedding. Those coming from far and near, grant them safe driving.

May all those in charge of the wedding ceremony be diligent and efficient in all the roles assigned to them.

Lord, today as my niece marries her husband, I pray for unity and love for this union. Lord give them strength and courage to face all the challenges that will come after marriage.

Lord, I pray you give my niece and husband the wisdom to manage their affairs to your glory.

Help them to always put you first in all their decision-making.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen

Final Thoughts

If you are privileged to have a niece don’t take it for granted. Nieces are a blessing.

So cherish and love them. Above all, take time to pray for your niece. 

If you want prayers for your niece, the above prayers have been written to assist you to pray for your niece in whatever circumstances.

Use them as a guide to pray for your niece. I hope these prayers have been helpful. God bless you. Shalom

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