10 Graceful Prayers For Sunday




10 Graceful Prayers For Sunday

If you are looking for prayers for Sunday, then you have come to the right place. Sunday is a special day for most people to take a break from their labor.

But it is one of the busiest days for me as a Christian. No matter how busy your Sunday is, you still need to take time to pray for Sunday.

The 11 prayers for Sunday has written to help you have a sense of purpose and direction. 

So make your Sunday amazing by taking your time to pray out these prayers. 

Short Sunday Prayer

Father God. am so happy today is Sunday. It is a day I will have the opportunity to go to church and fellowship with other Christians. 

I just want to say thank you for watching over me from Monday through to Saturday. Once again I commit this Sunday into your hands. Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

In Jesus’s Name, I pray. Amen

Prayers For Sunday Service

God, how are you? I was glad when they said to me let us go to the house of the Lord. Yes, this is the day I want to join other believers to praise and worship at your feet.

Lord, I lift our gathering in the church today to you. I invite you precious Holy Spirit to come and help us worship God the Father.

Renew our hearts and minds, Lord, lift every burden anyone among your people will be carrying into your presence. 

Lord, I pray for our pastors, worship team, children’s service, choristers, instrumentalists, drummers, and administration. Let your Holy Spirit anoint them for this Sunday service.

I pray each one of us will do everything to your glory. As our pastor shares the word of God. help us to be doers not hearers.

I pray for the unity of mind and heart as we gather to worship you. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen 

Prayers For Sunday Morning

Good morning God, what an awesome Sunday morning.  When I look around me this Sunday morning, all I see is your goodness.

Therefore I will rejoice and be glad in it. All praise, honor, and power belong to you.

Father, unto you, be all the glory

As we come together as a family, pour on us, your grace. Give each one a fervent spirit of love.

Faither take the praise and honor this beautiful Sunday morning. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Prayers For Sunday Afternoon

It is Sunday afternoon. Thank you, God, for all that you have done for me. I commit this afternoon to your hands.

I pray that you bless my family and friends. As I relax this Sunday afternoon, help me to reflect on the things you have done for me.

Lord, bless my food and water. Grant me the grace to draw closer to you. Lord, i pray that your presence will go with me this afternoon

Help me to be obedient to your still small voice. Lord bless all the people I met this afternoon.

Thank you for your grace and mercy. To you Lord be all praise. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Prayers For Sunday Evening

Abba Father, all glory to your name. It is already Sunday evening. I appreciate your amazing love for me.

Lord, I pray that you keep me from all evil. Let your peace reign in my heart and my loved ones. 

Thank you for all your provisions. Lord as I prepare to face another week, give me the strength to go through it.

Guide and direct my steps in the coming week. Help me to do everything to your glory.

Lord, bless everyone that I will come in contact with.

Lord, let your strong arm carry me through his Sunday evening. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen 

Prayer For Sunday Night

Lord, it is Sunday night. What a day it has been. You have shown me your loving kindness throughout the day.

You have been my help throughout the day. As I prepare to go to bed, send your angels to form a   hedge of protection around me.

I pray that my sleep will be sweet. Give me heavenly visions and dreams. I pray against any bad dream.

When I woke up on Monday morning, I will be careful to give you praise and thanks.

Thank you, Lord, once again. In Jesus’ Name. Amen 

Sunday Prayer For Family

Father in heaven, thank you for surrounding me with a beautiful family. I appreciate each one of them. 

On this Sunday, I thank you for the unity and strong bonds in my family. I ask for your blessing upon everyone in the family.

Lord as we get together as a family, help us to cherish one another in the spirit of love.

I ask for guidance and direction for each family member.

Help everyone in this family to draw closer to you each day.  I pray for our neighbors and their families.  Lord, I pray your blessing over them.

Lord, finally please protect me from any danger. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Sunday Prayer For My Country

God, it is great to live in such a beautiful country. I don’t take it for granted at all. Thank you for the peace my country is enjoying now. 

I pray for nations that going through turmoil right now. God brings peace to these nations.
Lord, I pray for the leadership of my nation. Give them what it takes to govern a nation.

For all nations belong to you Lord. I pray for unity and love among the leaders of my nation.

I also ask for protection over my nation.

Rain your blessings upon my nation. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Sunday Prayer For Doctors and  Nurses

Abba Father, I want to thank you for the doctors and nurses. They are special people because of the difficult work they do caring for the sick. 

On this Sunday, many of them will be at work. Lord, I pray that You give them wisdom and knowledge to help care for these vulnerable sick people.

I pray for all sick patients that you bring healing to their bodies. I pray for their loved ones. Give them courage in the face of their sick loved ones.

Father,  bless all the sick people in our hospitals this Sunday. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Sunday Prayer For The Homeless People

God Almighty, that day I pray for homeless people. Father, it is a privilege that I have a roof over my head. Lord I can’t imagine being exposed to the elements of the weather.

That is how it is for homeless people. Lord, I pray homeless people everywhere will realize that there is a God that cares about them.

Lord, I pray for organizations that are involved in helping homeless people. Lord provide them with the resources that they need. So Lord they can provide shelter and accommodation for these homeless people.

I pray the homeless wouldn’t feel discouraged in this life. Let them have hope for the future.

Lord those of them that are suffering from any sickness or disease bring healing to them.

Lord put a hedge of protection around homeless people. wherever they are.

This I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen

Final Thoughts

Sunday holds a special day for us Christians. It is a day we put aside to go to church and worship with other believers.

It is also time we also sit around with our family and friends. But in the midst of these activities, you shouldn’t neglect to pray for Sunday.

So if you are looking for prayers for Sunday, the above prayers should help you pray. You can alter it to your own needs.

Shalom. God bless

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