6 Great Prayers For Repentance




Prayers For Repentance

Are you looking for prayers for repentance? Then you have come to the right place. Repentance is fundamental to the Christian faith. It helps to strengthen our relationship with God.

We all missed it once a while in our lives. But God always calls us to repentance. Don’t feel condemned when you miss it. 

It is time to go to God in prayer with a repentant heart. God is faithful. He will forgive you and restore you to fellowship.

Below are the 6 prayers we have compiled for you. Use or alter them to pray for repentance. 

Short Prayer For Repentance

Father God. Thank you for your tender mercies towards me. They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness.

Lord, I have sinned against You. I have not been faithful to your voice. I come with a heavy heart and repentant heart before You.

Lord, don’t hold my sins against me. Wash me with the precious blood of Jesus.

Empower me with strength so I can walk worthy of your calling.

Create in me a clean heart and renew the right spirit within. Grant me your grace to turn away from anything that hinders my fellowship with You.

Thank You for restoring me to fellowship. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen. 

Repentance Prayer For A Friend

Heavenly Father. You are my shield and protector. I praise and worship your Holy Name. This is the day you have made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Lord, I pray for my friend who has backslidden. It is never your will that my friend should perish.

I pray that you help my friend to have a repentant heart. Lord, I know your grace is sufficient for my friend. 

Your word says in 2 Peter 3:9 NIV, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

Holy Spirit convict my friend of sin.

Lord, forgive and restore my friend. Thank You for giving my friend a second chance.

In Jesus’s Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer Of Repentance For Worry And Anxiety

Abba Father. Your Name is Elohim- God the Creator. Thank you for the dawn of a new day. To You be all the glory and honor.

Lord, am guilty of worry and anxiety. This is taking a toll on my mental health. Your word teaches us not to worry but I have not been a doer of it.

Mathew 6:34 NIV, “ Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Lord, forgive me for allowing worry and anxiety to fill my heart and mind.

I repent and look to You for strength to obey your word.

Give me your grace to be a doer of your word concerning worry and anxiety.

I have the courage and boldness to face the future.

Thank you for helping me repent of worry and anxiety. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Prayers Of Repentance For My Family

Gracious Father. I praise and worship your Holy Name. Thank You for the gift of life.

Lord, we have sinned against You as a family. We have not been faithful in our walk with You.

We come before You in repentance. Forgive us and wash us in the precious blood of Jesus.

May we never go back to our old ways of living. Grant us the grace to live to glorify Your Name.

Create in us in a clean heart. Help us to remain faithful to your word no matter what comes against us.

Be merciful to us and help us to remain faithful to the end. Give us the strength to remain steadfast in faith.

To You be the glory and honor. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Prayer Of Repentance For My Church

Father God. You are the God of all creation. I bow before your throne this day. It is a privilege to see the dawn of a new day. I don’t take it for granted. Glory to You.

Father, I pray for my church(Name of your Church). We have not walked in your way. We have become lukewarm.

Lord, we come before and repent of our sins. We confess our sins before You. Forgive us and restore us to fellowship with You.

Grant the grace to live for You and not for ourselves.

We pray that You rekindle your fire in us. Help us to go back to our first love.

May we rise above reproach as your people. Thank You for giving us a repentant heart.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen. 

Prayer Of Repentance For Our Nation

Heavenly Father. I bring to You my sacrifice of praise and worship. You alone deserve the honor and glory. Thank You for your goodness and mercy.

Lord, I bring my nation before your throne of grace. We have gone our way as a nation. We have not honored your Name in this nation.

Our leaders have not turned to You for help. We have made other things our gods.

We repent and look to You for deliverance. Forgive us and have mercy on us.

We are your people called by your Name. Grant us a genuine heart of repentance.

Restore our nation to its glory. Help us to always put you first in all we do as a nation.

Your word says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

Lord, we repent of our sins and turn away from our wicked ways. We decree and declare healing for our land.

Thank You Father for answered prayer. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Final Thoughts

It is God’s will that we repent of our sins and never come into condemnation. If you are looking for prayers for repentance, the above prayers should serve us as the guide to help you pray for repentance.

God is ready to bring us back to fellowship. we must choose to repent of our sins.

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