7 Helpful Prayers For Safe Driving




prayers For Safe Driving

Driving on the road no doubt has many problems. From your car breaking down, stormy weather, accidents, dangerous drivers, tired drivers, wrong overtaking, and distractions.

So if you are anxious about going behind the wheel, pray and ask God to keep you safe while driving.

God cares about the very minute things in your life including safe driving. So consider praying the 7 prayers for safe driving before you hit the road.

I hope these prayers will fill you with confidence and assurance God will keep you safe while driving.

So go ahead and pray.

Short Prayer For Safe Driving

Father, thank you for providing me with a means of transportation. This will help make my movement from one place to the other easy. 

Lord, I pray for safe driving as I go about my day. I commit my car to your hands. I ask Lord you protect it from any mechanical problems.

Let your angels go ahead of me as I drive. Help to be vigilant and alert on the road.

Thank you, Lord, for safe driving. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Prayer For Safe Driving To A Holiday Destination

Father  God, am going on holiday. I will be traveling in my car to my holiday destination(Name of holiday destination).

Lord, you are the only one who knows what is ahead of me. That is why I pray you guide me safely to my destination

I pray you keep me safe from any harm or danger on the road. I pray for other road users. God grant them the patience to drive safely.

Lord take away any anxiety from my heart and fill me with your joy and peace. May your presence go with me to my holiday destination.

Lord to you be praise and glory. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Prayer For Safe Driving With Kids

God, am driving with kids in the car. You know how kids behave when they sit in a car. So I have put the car doors on child lock. 

I have also made sure they put on their seatbelts. 

Lord as I drive in the car with the kids I pray you hand protection for the car. I ask other road users will see the kids in my car.  So they will drive with carefulness and patience.

Give my kids peace of mind as they ride in my car with me. Lord protect us from any accident as I drive with the kids.

I believe your angels are in charge of my car and they will safely take us to our destination.   Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Prayer For Safe Driving On The Highway

Lord God, driving on the highway can be challenging at times. But I know you have the power to keep me safe.

So Lord I put my trust in you. I pray your mighty outstretched hand upon me as I travel on the highway.

Lord, help me to be vigilant at times. Help me to avoid the use of mobile phones on the highway.

Help me to obey all the road traffic regulations. I pray for other road users on the highway.

Guide them to take responsibility on the road to avoid accidents. Help me Lord to anticipate what is ahead of me as I drive on the highway.

Thank you, Lord, for safety on the highway. In Jesus’ Name, I pray 

Prayer For Safe Driving In A Bad Weather

Father in heaven, you are a miracle worker. Great is your name. Father, driving in bad weather can be very dangerous. This is true, especially when there is snowfall, rain, or storm.

Help me to be patient when I encounter any of these bad weathers.
Give me the wisdom to know what to do no matter the weather conditions.

I pray against any mechanical faults during bad weather.

I pray the weather clears in no time. 

Thank Lord for helping me drive safely through the bad weather. To you be all praise and glory.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Prayer For Safe Driving For A Friend

Father, thank you for the life of my dear friend (Name of your friend).  I pray that you keep him or her safe on the road.

Give him or her a deeper understanding of the road signs. Let him or her have patience on the road. I pray he or she will be mindful of other road users.

Lord, take away all distractions especially the use of mobile phone behind the wheel.

Give him or her the courage and strength to drive safely to his or her destination.

I pray his car will be free from any mechanical faults.

Thank Lord for answering my prayer. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Prayer For Safe Driving For All Road Users

Lord, every day thousands of people use their cars or vehicles on the road. Most of these cars end up in accidents due to a lot of factors.

These ranges from reckless driving, traffic regulations offences, mechanical problems, and individual errors to overspeeding.

So Lord I take this opportunity to pray for all road users today. I pray that you will help every road user to obey road traffic regulations.

I pray that you give each one of them the spirit of patience. I pray against road rage that can be a danger to other road users.

I pray that all will have safe driving today. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

Final Thoughts

Accidents are part of life. This holds true for cars on the road. Accidents are a common occurrence in many countries.

Accidents claim a lot of lives and injuries every year in these countries.

Despite all these, you should not be anxious driving on the road. If you are still worried and need some assurance, ask God to help you drive safely.

So I have written the above prayers to help stay calm and trust that God will keep you safe when you are behind the wheel.

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