7 Helpful Prayers For Abusive Husband




Prayers For Abusive Husband

Are you a wife going through abuse from your husband? Then we are here to help you. No one should accept an abusive behavior irrespective of who is involved.

But if you find yourself with an abusive husband, you should deal with it as soon as possible.

You must take time and pray for your husband.  Praying for your abusive husband is not enough, you must also speak to a professional counselor.

Here are the 7 prayers to pray for an abusive husband.

Short Prayer For Abusive Husband

God of heaven, you are God of love. You love us despite our wrong doings. Lord my lovely husband has suddenly turned into an abusive husband

I am a bit confused because this is not the man I married. I pray that you help him to realize that a husband is supposed to cherish and love his wife.

Lord God, I take authority over the stronghold in his mind. From this day I pray your Spirit will convict him of this abusive behavior.

Give him a repentant heart, so he will stop this abusive behavior. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Prayer For Verbally Abusive Husband

Father, great is your love toward me. I pray for my husband who has been verbally abusive of late. I don’t seem to understand it.

Lord, I pray that you help him to understand that words are powerful. Words can hurt emotionally.

Am hurting because of these abusive words. Lord, there is nothing that you can’t do.

I pray that you help my husband to use kind words instead of abusive words.

Lord take control of the situation right now. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen 

Prayer For Financially Abusive Husband

Lord God Your Name is Jehovah Jireh. The God who provides. Lord, there is no need you can’t provide when I ask it in your Name.

Lord My husband has failed to provide financially for me and my children. Lord, things have been difficult for us. 

I pray for him to know that a man is supposed to provide for his family.

Your word says, in 1 Timothy 5:8 “But if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.”

Lord God help him to remember that he has a responsibility towards me and the family.

Thank you, Lord, for providing for us. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen

Prayer Emotionally Abusive Husband

Dear God, How great is your Name in all the earth? Thank you for the life of my husband.

Lord my husband and I have been having some misunderstandings.

This has led to my husband resorting to abusing me emotionally. This is getting to me and am emotionally drained.

Lord, I lift this burden to you. Strengthen my inner spirit and help my husband to change from his ways.

Lord, I forgive him. I pray that you to open his eyes to the truth about emotional abuse.

Thank you Lord for delivering me from any emotional scar. In Jesus’ Name, I pray Amen

Prayer For  Physically Abusive Husband

Father In Heaven, my husband has been physically abusive. Father, I pray that you lead me to where I can find refuge.

I can’t stand any physical abuse from my husband. Lord, I know many women who have suffered serious physical abuse from their husbands.

Some of these physical abuse have ended badly. So I don’t want to be one of those statistics.

So as I seek refuge somewhere, I pray that you help him have a change of heart and seek help for this behavior.

Lord I know with you all things are possible. In Jesus’ Name, I pray Amen

Prayer for Children  of An Abusive Husband

Lord God, you are always a good Father. Thank you so much for my husband.

Father, am worried about my children seeing my husband’s abusive behavior.

I know this is impacting them emotionally. I pray that my children will not harbor any hatred toward my husband.

I pray that you help them to love their father despite his abusive behavior.

Take away any anxiety and worry from their hearts and minds.

Let your peace reign in their hearts, Lord heal them of any emotional pain they may be suffering.

Lord, I pray that as they grow into adults they will cherish their future husband and wife.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Prayer For Abusive Husband To Have Change of Heart

Dear God, your name is above all names. You are the God who has the power to bring about change in any circumstance.

I pray for my abusive husband. Lord, I forgive him for all these abusive behaviors.  Forgive him, Lord.

I pray he will come back to his senses just like the prodigal son.

May he have a change of mind, repent and return to you.

Father, my husband’s heart is in your hands. Touch his heart and let him be a brand new man from today.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Healing Prayers  For Abusive Husband

Father, great is your faithfulness toward my husband. You are the God who heals.

Lord, I know you heal physically but you can heal spiritually and emotionally.

I pray that you heal my husband from past hurts he might have suffered when he was young.

Lord, send your angels to bring healing from your throne.

I believe my husband needs help to deal with these abusive behaviors. God, I pray that you guide him to seek professional help to deal with these behaviors.

Thank you, Lord, for total restoration and healing. In Jessu’s Name, I pray. Amen

Final Thoughts

No one should ever accept an abuse of any form. If you are a mother or sister seeking to help your husband stop this behavior then these prayers for your abusive husband were written for you.

Use it as a guide and pray your heart out to God for your abusive husband

We stand with you in this difficult season of your life. 

If you feel things are getting out of control then we advise you to seek professional help.

God richly bless and help your husband turn from his abusive ways.

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