8 Amazing Morning Prayers For Family




Morning Prayers For Family

Praying together as a family is essential because it has a lot of benefits.

It helps in our spiritual growth and keeps us united as a family.

So if you are looking for morning prayers for your family, you are in the right place. These morning prayers for the family have been carefully written to help you pray together as a family.

Use it as a guide to pray together as a family

Short Morning Prayer For Family

Father God, thank you for this morning. Is a day you have made for us to rejoice and be glad in it.

Your mercies and loving kindness have enabled us to see another day. Therefore we don’t take it for granted.

We commit the day into your hands. We ask that you protect and deliver us from any evil.

Lord God we pray for your guidance and direction. Lead us Lord on the path of righteousness, for your namesake.

Grant us the courage to face the day. Bless Lord the work of our hands. We ask your blessing upon the people we will come in contact with.

Lord let your will be done in our lives today. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Morning Prayer For Family Unity

God of heaven, what a wonderful family we are! Thank you so much. Father as a family from time to time, we do provoke one another. 

But we do forgive each other. I pray this morning that we shall continue in the spirit of love and forgiveness.

I pray that you keep us together as a strong family unit.

I take authority over any spirit of division. I pray that unity will prevail among us.

Help us Lord to be always there for one another. No matter the challenges we face as a family Lord, grant the grace us to stay united.

Father your word says, you command your blessings when we are united. ( Psalm 133:1-2 KJV)

Let this be our portion in Jesus’ Name. You Lord be all praise this morning.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Family Moring Prayer For Wisdom  

Dear God, we praise and thank you for this morning. You are awesome in power. Great is your faithfulness towards us.

Thank you for watching over us throughout the night, Our eyes have seen a new day. We are grateful.

Father, we don’t know what is in a day. Please grant us the wisdom to know the way forward.

Help us to know your will and walk in it. May we never depart from your ways. Help us to solve any problems that we shall encounter.

Lord your word says wisdom is the principal thing, so we seek wisdom. (Proverbs 4:7 KJV)

Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Family Morning Prayer For Guidance and Direction

Lord God, we are grateful for this beautiful morning. We ask for your guidance and direction in our lives.

I pray that we will walk in the path that You have ordained for us. Lead us in the way of righteousness for your namesake. 

Help us lord to be attentive to your voice so we will walk in your direction.

I pray Lord that you order our steps. In Jesus Might Name I pray. Amen

Family Morning Prayer  For Thanksgiving And Praise

Abba Father, we give you praise and thanks for this morning. You have shown your mercy and kindness.

Once again, Lord, we have seen another morning. Our hearts are filled with thanks.

Lord, it is not by our might or power.  So we are careful to give you all praise and thanks.

For  all your goodness towards us, we say thank you

For protecting us from all evil and harm we say thank you.

For all your provisions, we say thank you.

To you Lord be all praise and thanks. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen 

Family Morning Prayer For Strength

Lord God, how excellent is your name? Lord this morning, we ask for your strength to face this day.

Lord grant us the strength to face any challenges or difficulties.  You are our strength. Therefore we depend on you.

For your word says, you are our strength and refuge. 

Lord when we feel weak, give us the strength to keep going. Please help us to always trust in you for strength.

Father, strengthen our inner spirits so we can overcome any temptation that will come our way.

To you be all the glory. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen. 

Family Morning Prayer  For Protection

Dear Heavenly Father, you are our shield and defense. In you, we put our trust. There is so much evil going on in our world right now.

Lord, I ask for your protection over my family. Lord, I pray that You deliver them from every form of evil.

You are our protector from the evil devices of men. 

I pray that you protect us from car accidents. Lord protect us from strange sicknesses and diseases.

I ask that you protect us from any imminent disaster or violence.

Lord thank you for your strong hand of protection over us this morning. To you Lord be all praise and glory.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Family Morning Prayer For Blessings

Lord God, you are the source of all blessings. We come before this morning and ask for your  blessings upon us,

Your word says the blessing of the Lord maketh rich and adds no sorrow. (Proverbs 10:22 KJV)

I pray that You bless our food and water. I declare your blessing upon the work of our hands.

Lord God, we ask that you bless us with peace of mind and abundance. 

Bless us with our abundance of health so we can carry out your purpose for our lives.

Thank you for bestowing your blessings this morning.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray Amen. 

Final Thoughts

It is always a good thing for a family to pray together. Praying together helps establish a good bond.

It helps to communicate better with one another. 

If you are looking for morning prayer for your family, these morning prayers for your family have been written to inspire and encourage you to cultivate the habit of praying together as a family. 

We hope you found it helpful. Shalom.

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