10 Great Wedding Anniversary Prayers For Couple




Wedding Anniversary Prayers For Couple

Are you looking for wedding anniversary prayers for a couple? We have written 10 wedding anniversary prayers for couples for you.

It is a great milestone for any couple celebrating their wedding anniversary. So it is important to bring gratitude to God and ask for his help in the years to come.

Let’s pray

Short Wedding Anniversary Prayer For Couple

Heavenly Father, thank you for the privilege to come into your presence. Lord, I appreciate your love and care. 

Your word says, a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. And the two shall become one flesh.

Lord, we celebrate our wonderful union, especially on this anniversary. You have been faithful to us in this marriage. Thank you for the bond of love between us.

I pray that we will grow in strength and unity. Help us to always cherish one another in this marriage.

Grant us the grace to have a heart of forgiveness toward one another. I pray your hand of protection over this our union.

Help us to always bring you glory in all that we do. To you be all praise. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For First Wedding Anniversary 

Dear God. You are a great and mighty God. No one can be compared to you. Thank for you your mercies that are renewed towards us every morning. Lord.

Lord, it is our first wedding anniversary. What a great milestone! Through the trials and difficult times, you have shown yourself faithful.

We thank you for keeping us together as husband and wife. We bring you all the glory and praise.

Lord, we pray that we will once again renew our vows of commitment to each other. Help us to work together and keep the bond of unity in our marriage.

We pray that this anniversary will bring renewed hope for the future. Let your will be done in this union.

We pray that you help us to know how to communicate with each other. Give us the grace to continue to put you first in all we do.

Thank Lord for this anniversary. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Prayer For 5th Anniversary Wedding Anniversary

Heavenly Father, today marks the 5th year of living together as a couple. Is amazing how time flies so quickly.

Father, we commit our marriage to you once again. Lord, I pray you continue to shower your blessings upon us.

Help us to revere the institution of marriage. Help us to show respect, support, and love for one another. 

Let your grace abound towards us. May we always put forward a united front in this relationship.

Anything that will seek to destroy this marriage, I take authority over it. For your word says no weapon formed against us shall prosper.

Help us to always put our trust in you. With you Lord all things are possible.

Thank you for your faithfulness for the past five years. 

To you Lord be all praise and glory. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For 10th Anniversary Wedding Anniversary

Precious Father. Thank you for keeping us alive to see this beautiful day. We appreciate all your goodness towards us.

Father, today is our 10th year in marriage. What a milestone! We don’t take this for granted at all.

You are the one who has brought us this far. It is not by might, wisdom, or any skills we possess. For this reason, we will continue to put our hope in you.

Lord, despite the challenges and difficulties in this marriage your wisdom has guided us.

Help us to continue loving and forgiving each other.

Lord, on this special day, we remember our good times together. Continue to shower your blessings on this union.

Help us always live to please you. Thank you for your faithfulness. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

Prayer For The 20th Wedding Anniversary

Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing us together as husband and wife. We cherish this union because it is ordained by you.

Lord God, today is our 20th wedding anniversary. Twenty years is a long time. Through the trials and temptations, you have kept us united as one.

Your word says in Amos 3:3 KJV, “Can two walk together, except they are agreed?” Lord continue to help us to uphold this marriage in high esteem to honor your Name.

I pray that we will learn to depend on you every day for strength and courage. Grant us the wisdom to know what to do in any circumstances surrounding this union.

Help us Lord to always seek peace. I pray we will learn to forgive one another and seek each other’s welfare.

Father, we pray for couples who are also celebrating their 20th anniversary. Lord bless and continue to keep their marriage strong.

Thank you, Lord, for helping us to stay together for the past twenty years. To you be all glory and honor. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen. 

Prayer For 25th Wedding Anniversary

Abba Father. We come before you this day and give you all the praise and thanks. This is the day you have made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. 

Lord God, today marks our 25th Wedding Anniversary. Thank you for how far you have brought us a couple. This is the doing of the Lord and is marvelous in our sight.

I pray that we will continue to stand strong in this union. I pray against anything that will seek to destroy our marriage.

I pray we will continue to build our relationship on the word of God. 

Your word says in Mathew 7:24-27 NIV “Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

And the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

And everyone that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it”

Help us Lord to be the like the man who built his house on the rock.

Grant us the grace to be an example to the people around us. Let your countenance shine upon us.

May we stay united and continue to reflect your glory. In Jesus’ Name, I pray Amen.

Prayer For The 50th Golden Wedding Anniversary

Heavenly Father. Great is your mercy towards us. Thank you for the opportunity to come into your presence. We ascribe all the praise and honor to you.

Father, today marks our 50th wedding anniversary. What a great milestone! 

We rejoice and express our gratitude to you.

God, fill our hearts with praise to your name. It has been a long journey. Despite all the challenges during these past 50 years, you have shown yourself faithful.

Lord, I pray that we will continue to spend quality time together. Help us to be committed to our marriage.

Help us to support one another in times of need and celebrate each other’s achievements.

We pray that we will share our past experiences with the next generation. So they can also live happily and make their marriages a success.

Thank you for your protection over our lives during the past fifty years. To you Lord be all praise and glory. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For 55th( Emerald) Wedding Anniversary

Dear God. We bring our sacrifices of praise and thanks to you. Great is your mercy towards us. You have been our sustainer for the past 55 years together as a couple.

Lord, I pray that you rekindle our love for one another as we celebrate our 55th wedding anniversary

I pray that we will cherish every moment of our lives together as a couple. Lord, not many couples live together for this long in marriage.

Therefore we express our profound gratitude to you. We know that you have started the good work in us and will bring it to completion.

Lord as we renew our vows on this special day, grant us the grace to go from one glory to the other. Put afresh a fire in us to continue loving one another.

Thank you for keeping us united for the past 55 years. To you be all praise. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For The 60th Wedding Anniversary

Father God, we come boldly before your throne of grace to obtain mercy. You have been our rock, protector, and shield. To you be all praise.

Lord today marks the 60th wedding anniversary of our marriage. What a great milestone! 

This cant be the doing of any man. Your hand has been strong upon this marriage. You have kept us together as a couple despite all the difficulties and challenges.

We thank you for your abundant grace and mercy upon this union. Lord not many couples stay together for 60 years.

So we give all the glory to you. Help us to continue in the spirit of love and unity.

I pray our marriage will be a living testimony to the people around us. Lord grant us the strength to continue to work on this marriage.

I pray for your blessing upon this union. Give us the grace to pursue love, faith, and hope.

Thank you for four faithfulness to us all these 60 years. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For 75th Wedding Anniversary

Father In Heaven. Your Name is a strong tower. The righteous run to it and they are safe.

You have shown love and compassion for us in the past 75 years in this union. We don’t take this for granted.

Lord, 75 years is a long time. What a milestone! Lord as we celebrate our 75th wedding anniversary today, grant us the grace to continue loving one another.

Lord, we ascribe all the glory to you. Thank you for all the victories you have won for us.

There were moments we felt like giving up on each other. 

But you were there to urge us on. So we can’t rule out your help in all this.

Continue Lord to give us hope for the future of this marriage. Daddy we say thank you for making us finish strong in this union.

Thank you Father for all you have done. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Final Thoughts

Marriage is a great union between a man and a woman. It is a God-ordained institution. But things go wrong in marriages and end up in divorce.

But my prayer for you is that your marriage will stand the test of time. So you can have the chance to celebrate the wonderful memories of wedding anniversaries.

If you are a couple looking for anniversary prayers, you are in the right plec. We have written the 10-anniversary payers to help thank God and ask for his strength to continue to stay together as a couple.

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