7 Helpful Prayers For-Son-In-Law




Prayers For Son In Law (

Are you looking for prayers for your son in law? You are in the right place. If you are a mother-in-law or father-in-law, forming a strong bond with your son-in-law is a good thing to consider.

In addition, you should remember that your son-in-law is now part of your family. So take this bond to another level by praying for your son-in-law.

Here are the 7 prayers for son in law we have written for you.

Short Prayer For Son In Law

Father, am forever grateful to you for my son-in-law.  What an amazing son-in-law! I commit him to you.

I pray that You guide and direct him in all his ways. Give him the wisdom to handle any challenges that he might be facing.

May his relationship with my daughter be one of love and unity.  Bless the work of his hands and help him to be a  good leader in the home.

Lord, I pray that you protect him from evil. I pray that his love for You will grow and he will seek you always first in all things.

Bless Lord and provide for him and his family. Let your will be done in his life.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen 

Prayer For Son In Law’s Birthday

My Father in Heaven, I praise you for everything you have done in the life of my son-in-law. 

Today is his birthday. I can’t wait to celebrate the day with him.

I thank you for adding a year to his life. I pray and release your blessings upon him.

May he be the head and not the tail.

I pray that he will not die but live and declare the works of God. He will be a blessing to his generation,

He will be called blessed among his peers. I pray that he be a trailblazer in his chosen career.

Lord, I decree and declare that no weapon formed against her shall not prosper.

This birthday of my son-in-law will be filled with joy and laughter. It will not end in sorry.

I pray he will find favor with you. I pray for everyone joining the birthday celebration. Bless and keep them from any danger or evil.

Lord glorify yourself in the life of son in law. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Prayer For Son In Law’s Protection

Dear God, your Name is a strong tower, and the righteous runs to it for protection.

Thank you for watching over my son-in-law.

I pray that you protect him from any evil.  I asked for your protection against any fiery darts of the enemy.

Preserve his going out and coming in. Let your angels go before him in all his normal routines.

I pray that you protect him from car accident. Protect him from any sickness or disease.

Lord God, my confidence is in you. I know you will keep my son-in-law and family protected.

To you belongs power and might. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Prayer For Strength For Son In Law

Father, sometimes in life you feel like your strength is failing. I believe my son-in-law also feels the same.

But I know strength belongs to you. You are our strength. So I pray that you give my son-in-law strength.

Give him the strength to carry out the purposes and plans that you have for his life. Lord God the strength of a man will always fail him. But with your strength, we are assured of victory.

This is what your word says in Psalm 29:11, “The Lord gives strength to his people;  the Lord blesses his people with peace.”

Thank you, Lord, for giving my son-in-law strength. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Prayer For Son In Law Healing 

God of heaven, how excellent is your name in all the earth? You hold the whole world in your hands.

I come humbly before you this day and ask for your mercy. My son-in-law is not feeling too well. But I know you as our healer.

I pray that you send your healing power to flow through the body of my son-in-law. I decree and declare healing for him.

Sicknesses and diseases no longer have a legal right over his body. Because your word says you took our sickness and diseases so that we no longer have to bear them in our bodies ( Mathew 8: 16-17)

This will be his portion in Jesus’ name.

May he rise up out of his sick bed and give glory to you. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For Son In Law Due For Surgery

Dear Lord, just want to thank you for my son-in-law. He is been scheduled for surgery and all of us are a bit concerned.

Lord, you are the best surgeon in the world, so our trust is in you. I pray and commit him to you today. Lord give him the grace to undergo this surgery

Lord I know with you all things are possible. He will undergo this surgery successfully and bring glory to you. ( Mathew 19:26 NIV)

I commit the surgeons and nurses undertaking the surgery. Lord grant them the wisdom and skill required to carry out this surgery.

Lord take away any doubt or fear in the heart of my son-in-law. You said in your word that you have not given us the spirit of fear but that of love and sound mind. ( 2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV)

I decree and declare that this surgery will be a success. All to your glory. I believe my son-in-law will share a testimony after this surgery.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen

Prayer For Son In Law Job Loss

Father God. Great are you Lord. Greatly to be praised. All power belongs to you. My son-in-law has lost his job.  He is the main breadwinner for the family. 

It is a difficult time for his entire family.

This is bringing a lot of tension to their home.  But I know you as our provider. So Lord  God provide for them in Jesus’ Name.

I pray that you provide him with a new job. So he will be in a position to provide for his family.

Grant him favor for any job interview he attends.  I pray that your presence will be with him. Take away any fear and anxiety.  Grant him peace of mind in this season of job loss.

Lord, let your will be done in my son-in-law’s life. Loss of a job can be difficult for any man.

To you be all the praise and glory In Jesus’ Name, I pray Amen.

Final Thoughts

If you have a son-in-law and you are looking to pray for him, we have written the above prayers for you.

A son-in-law is a great asset to your family and I want you to cherish and pray for him. Take time and pray for your son in law in any area of need. 

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