9 Helpful Prayers For Friday




9 Helpful Prayers For Frida

Have you ever heard the phrase “Thank God Is Friday”? I heard this when I was growing up. The excitement with which people say this phrase is interesting. Why are people excited? Because that is the lasting working day of the week. Friday is the last working day of the week.

Aside from this reason, you must not forget to spend some time praying for Friday. You must not allow the excitement to overshadow the day. Seek God in Prayers to give you guidance ad direction.

This article will bring to you Hoy spirit-inspired prayers for Friday to bring you hope and transformation.

Prayers For Friday

Prayers for Friday have been written to help have a deeper walk with your God. I want you to bring God’s purposes to pass that day. I just love the statement Jesus made “I came to do the will of Him who sent me.

I want you also to have a sense of purpose for this Friday.

This is the reason I laid out the 9 Prayers for Friday for you.

Short  Prayer For Friday

Hello God, it is Friday. I am glad to be in your presence. I commit the day into your hands. I thank you for this beautiful Friday you have made. Thursday was a wonderful day for me.

Help me God to be your voice, feet, and hands. Let me bring light where there is darkness.

I just want to appreciate you for the fact am alive today. I don’t take it for granted Lord.

To you Lord be praise and glory.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Prayers For Friday Morning

Father in heaven, what an awesome Friday morning! I see your beautiful creations around me. 

You reign over all. Who can be compared to you? Thank you for your manifold blessing upon me this Friday morning….

I commit this Friday morning into your hands. I acknowledge your presence in my life. Lord as I go about my morning assignment, I pray you give me wisdom and a sense of mission

Help me to be diligent and committed to all my undertakings. Lord, I want to be an instrument in your hands.  So help me to know that everything I do, should glorify you.

I pray for the people I will be meeting today. I ask Lord that you bless them. Prosper the work of their hands. Bless their families and protect them from evil.

Lord, as I travel in my car, on the bus, on the train, or by flight to my workplace, I pray for safety on the road and in the air.

Prayers For Friday Afternoon

Good aLord, thank you for this beautiful Friday afternoon. I commit once again this Friday afternoon into your hands.

Lord bless the amazing people I met this morning.  Lord, I was able to accomplish all my assignments this morning despite a few challenges. 

As I go out for lunch, bless the food and water that will be set before me. Father, as I eat the food, let it bring nourishment to my body.

I continue to rely on strength to face this Friday afternoon. Help me to tackle any task assigned to me with a sense of purpose. 

Lord, I thank you for the fact that you are with me. For if you are with me Lord, who can be against me?

This I pray In Jesus’s Name. Amen

Prayers For Friday Evening

Lord God, it is Friday evening. Thank you for all the goodness you have shown to me throughout the morning and afternoon.

Lord, I can’t believe is already Friday evening. I am grateful for all my workmates. Lord thank you for the wonderful relationship I have with my workmates. Help us Lord to continue working as a team,

As I have come to the end of another working day, may your presence be with me as I travel back home. 

Lord, I pray for my family and friends am meeting this Friday evening. I ask for your grace for them. Anyone one of them going through any pain, challenge, or circumstance, bring them restoration.

Lord as eat my dinner this evening with my family, let it be a time of bonding and deepening our relationship.

Lord, to be all glory and honor. In Jesus’ Name. Amen 

Prayers For Friday Night

Lord God Almighty, I see your faithfulness this Friday night.  My mind cannot fathom what you do. You bring light during the day and darkness during the night.

Who has the power to do this? It is you only that can bring this to pass.

Lord, my heart is filled with thanks this Friday night. You have watched over me from  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. what else can I say?

As l go to bed this Friday night, I cast every care upon you. Send you your angels to form a hedge around my dwelling. 

When I woke up on Saturday morning, I will be careful to give you the glory and praise. 

This I pray, in Jesus’s name. Amen

Friday Prayers For The Weekend

Abba Father, thank you for bringing the working week to a close. As I prepare to face the weekend give me the grace to enjoy a healthy relationship with all my loved ones,

I pray you to bless my weekend and make it a fruitful one. Help me extend love and hope to the people I will be meeting this weekend. 

Lord as I relax, socialize with my loved ones, help to remember all your goodness towards me. Lord, I don’t take for granted your goodness towards me.

I pray for family and friends who will be traveling this weekend. I ask that Lord you grant them journey mercies. May you help them with all the plans they have laid out to do

May you grant them supernatural protection from every evil.  Lord be gloried in all I do this weekend.

In Jesus’s name. Amen

Friday Prayers For Strength

Dear God, what a long working week it has been. I feel tired and weary. My strength seems to fade. But you are the strength of life.

Lord as I wait upon you this Friday, I ask you to renew my strength so I can face the weekend. You said in your word that they wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.(Isaiah 40:31 NKJV)

I acknowledge that strength comes from you when I spent time in your presence.

Father this moment am spending in your presence, give me a new strength. So I can do your will. Without you, I can’t do anything.

I pray that any food I eat today should provide me with nourishment and strength so I can complete all my assignments.

Thank you, Lord, once again for your supernatural strength upon me. 

In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Friday Prayers For Family and Friends

God of all creations, it is great to have family and friends around. I thank you for the life of each and everyone one of them. They are special in your eyes. 

I also cherish them dearly. I want to commit my family and friends into your hands this Friday.

I pray you bring healing and comfort to those who may be suffering any pain or sorrow.

I pray for the bond of unity and love among my family and friends, Bring your purposes and plans to pass in their lives.

I ask for a favor for them wherever they go today. Let your goodness and mercy follow them, Lord.

Increase their love for you and lead each one of them in the path of righteousness. Father, I declare your blessing over them this day.

In Jesus’ Name Amen.

Friday Prayers For Thanksgiving

Dear Lord, I can’t fathom is already Friday. Thank you so much for your guidance throughout the working week.

Thank you for all provisions, physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional. Lord, I also  take this opportunity to thank you for your protection,

Lord God, thank you for my wonderful family and friends. Thank you for the life of my boss and working mates. 

You deserve all thanksgiving, Lord.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Final Thoughts

Friday brings a lot of excitement. It is the end of a hard-working week for many of us. It is also time we go out to meet and socialize with friends and family.

But you need to bring God to the forefront of it.

In the moment of excitement, God must be glorified. That is the reason prayer for Friday was written to bring you a  sense of closeness to your Heavenly Father,

I hope you find these 9  prayers for Friday beneficial with your walk with God. God bless and keep you. May He make his face shine upon. You are blessed.

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