9 Helpful Prayers For Bullying




Prayers For Bullying

Bullying can have physical, mental, and emotional scars on any individual. Bullying should have no place in our schools, homes, or online.

But unfortunately, this is not the case. Bullying is so common among children and young people. 

So we wrote prayers for bullying to help victims to find hope and strength. Pray these prayers for yourself or anyone you know experiencing bullying.

Together, we can all stop bullying wherever it shows up.

Let’s pray.

Short Prayer For Bullying

Lord God, great is your faithfulness towards me. I lift my hands in worship of your Name. You deserve all praise and honor.

Lord, I pray for those experiencing bullying at school, home, and online. Lord, it is difficult for these victims of bullying.

Lord, I pray that you give them strength and courage to stand up to the bullies. I pray that they will report the bullying to the relevant authorities.

I pray the relevant authorities will not sweep victim cases under the carpet. I pray they will pursue these cases and bring the bully or bullies to justice.

I pray for victims of bullying will continue to expose this evil in our society. Lord help all victims of bullying so this evil reduces in our schools, home, and online.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For Bullying At School

Heavenly Father. You are Jehovah Jireh—my provider. I adore and thank you. Thank you for gifting us this beautiful day.

Lord my child is getting ready for school. Lord, I have heard a lot of bullying going on in schools.

I pray for my son or daughter that he or she will not be a victim of bullying. I pray that your angels will shield and protect him from all bullies.

I pray that you give him the spirit of boldness to stand up to bullies. I pray that you give him or her a voice to speak up when he or she feels bullied.

Lord I have taken the time to teach him or her about bullying. So I pray he will take action on all that he or she has learned.

So Lord together we can kick bullying out of our schools. I declare war on bullying in all schools across my nation.

Lord your word says in John 10:10 KJV, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: 

 I come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.”

Bullying is destroying the lives of our young ones. So I pray we take a stand against it.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For Bullying At Work

Abba Father. I worship at your feet. You are the King of Kings. I praise you with my whole heart.

Lord, I am experiencing bullying at work. This having a heavy toll on my performance at work. I have lost the passion for my job., This is making me insecure on the job.

I have reported the issue to management. My company has zero policy tolerance for bullying.

Lord, I pray that you give me the strength to champion the cause of anti-bullying in my workplace.

Give me the heart to love the bully at work. I hold no grudge or resentment against that bully.

I pray he or she will have a repentant heart and desist from bullying.

I pray management and staff will always work together to root out bullying in the workplace.

I pray for anyone experiencing bullying in their workplace. Lord grant them the boldness to kick that evil out of the workplace.

In Jesus’s Name, I pray. Amen

Prayer For Bullying At Home

Father. I put my trust in You. Let me not be ashamed. You are the lifter up of my head. I thank and praise your Holy Name.

Lord, I pray for every home where siblings are bullying each other. Lord I pray for love will rule in every home.

I pray parents will identify bullying in the home. I pray bullying victims will have the courage to talk to their parents about it.

I pray that you grant the parents the wisdom to deal with any bullying among their children. I pray each child will learn to forgive one another.

To you Lord be all praise and glory. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For Cyber Bullying

Dear God. You are my protector, provider, and shield. You deserve all praise and honor.

Lord, social media platforms have become avenues for bullying.

This causes a lot of emotional and mental trauma for our young people. Lord, I pray that all the bullies on these platforms will be detected and sanctioned by the owners of these platforms.

I pray all social media platforms will adopt a zero-tolerance policy on bullying. I pray that you help them with the technology to detect bullying online.

I pray victims of cyberbullying will have the courage to report the bullies online.

Lord, I take authority over any spirit that causes people to spread bullying instead of love.

Lord help these p bullies to realize that they are hurting and destroying lives with their actions.

I decree and declare that our government will take up the issue of bullying and develop policies to combat this epidemic.

In Jesus’s Name, I pray. amen.

Prayer For Victims Of Bullying

Lord God. Thank you for the opportunity to come before you today. The psalmist says “I will lift my head unto hills. From whence cometh my help? My help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and the earth.”

Lord, we ask for help for all victims of bullying. Lord, I know how challenging it is for a lot of these victims

I pray against any panic attacks, depression, self-harm, or suicidal thoughts that are a result of bullying.

Precious Holy Spirit I ask that you heal and comfort them. I pray that they will be strong in you and find the confidence to live their lives again.

I pray that the peace of God will reign in their hearts and mind. I decree and declare triumph over bullying for all victims.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen 

Prayer For Bullies

King Of Kings. Your Kingdom rules over all the kingdoms of the earth. I bow and worship your Holy Name.

Lord, I pray for all bullies wherever they are. Lord, I pray that they have a change of heart and turn to You.

Holy Spirit, I pray that you convict them of the harm their bullying is causing to other people.

I pray that you forgive them for not knowing what they are doing. Thank you, Lord, for bringing them to repentance.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Prayer For Bullying To Stop

Heavenly Father. Your Name is Elshaddai. The God of more than enough. I bring my sacrifices of praise to you. Your grace is sufficient for me.

Lord, I pray that bullying issues will be at the forefront in the media, newsprint, and online. I pray for the stakeholders to take s strong stand against bullying.

I pray for all government agencies responsible for tackling the bullying. I pray that they reach out to all schools in my nation to help bring a stop to bullying.

Lord God, I pray we will all stand united and confront the evil called bullying.

Thank you, Lord, for victory over bullying. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Prayer For Parents And Carers Of Bullying Victims

Dear God. Thank you that am alive to see this beautiful day. You are such an amazing God. The God of miracles.

Lord, I pray for parents and carers of bullying victims. I know how worried these parents are carers are about their children being bullied. 

I pray that you give them the grace and strength to deal with their children’s bullies. Lead them to the appropriate places to deal with their children’s bullies.

I pray that you help them to deal with their emotions due to their children bullying. 

Thank you, Lord, for being there for them. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Final Thoughts

If you are looking for prayers for bullying, then you have come to the right place. Bullying shouldn’t be entertained in our schools or homes or online

The impact of bullying can be devastating for victims. So we need to stand united against it.

We must take all the necessary measures to eradicate this evil in our society but we should never forget to use the weapon of prayer,

That is the reason we wrote the 9 prayers for bullying for you. Let’s confront bullying by praying these prayers.


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