6 Powerful Prayers For A New Baby




Prayers For A New Baby

If you are looking for prayers for a new baby, then you have come to the right place. It is always a great joy when a new baby is born. 

So take time today and say a word of prayer for your new baby. 

Below are the 6 prayers for a new baby. 

Short Prayer For A New Baby

Heavenly Father. I praise and worship your holy Name. Thank you for this beautiful day.   

Lord, I lift my newborn baby to you. 

I pray that you protect him or her from any evil. May your blessings be upon my newborn baby. 

I pray he or she will grow up and be a responsible citizen. I decree and declare that my newborn baby will experience your love and the love of the people around.

May your purpose and plans that you have ordained for my new baby come to pass.

Grant him or her strength and health. I pray that you protect him or her from any sickness or disease.

Thank You for giving us this precious new baby. To You be all the glory. In Jesus’ Name, I 

pray. Amen

Prayer For A New Baby’s Protection

Heavenly Father. You are my shield and protector. Your Name is Jehovah El Shaddai- The Lord Almighty. You are good and your mercies endure forever.

I pray that you protect my new baby from harm or evil. I declare and decree your angels will form a shield around my new baby.


I pray Psalm 91 NIV over my new baby. No weapon formed against my new baby shall prosper.

May he be protected from strange sicknesses and diseases. I pray against enchantment, divination, and spells directed at my new baby.

Thank you for your protection over my child. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For Financial Provision For A New Baby

Dear God. You deserve all my praise and thanks. You are the God of miracles. Is there anything too hard for you? Absolutely nothing. 

Lord a new baby comes with a lot of financial commitment. I pray that you will provide for me financially. 

Your word says in Philippians 4:19 KJV, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

I stand on this word and declare supernatural provisions for my new baby.

May my new baby never lack. I pray that all the resources I need to raise my new baby will be available.

Thank You for providing for all my baby’s needs. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen. 

Prayer for New Baby Girl

Abba Father. You are my strong tower. I ran to You for protection. Thank you for the dawn of a new day. All praise and glory to You.

Thank you for bringing my beautiful baby girl to this world. I commit her to you. Lord bless and protect this precious life you have given to us

I pray she will grow up and be a blessing to her generation. I pray that you protect her from all harm.

I decree and declare that no sickness or disease will afflict her body. I pray that your angels will watch over her, all the days of her life.

May she grow up to be a responsible and patriotic citizen. I pray that she will fulfill all the plans and purposes that you have ordained for her life.

I pray and cancel any premature death. Let your love and grace continue to surround her. May she experience the love and warmth in this home.

I pray that she will grow up and be an obedient child. Thank you Father for giving us this beautiful daughter. 

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For New Born Baby Boy

Father God. I come to you this day to honor and praise your Holy Name. You are my deliverer and protector. Great are your mercies towards me.

Lord, I pray for my new baby boy. What a bundle of joy! I am so grateful to You for bringing him into this world.

I pray your hand of protection over him. I decree and declare good health for him. No sickness or disease will afflict his body.

No weapon formed against him shall prosper.

I pray that he will grow in wisdom and the fear of God. 

I Pray he will grow up to be a responsible citizen of our dear nation. I pray that he will fulfill the call of God on his life.

Let your blessings be upon my new baby boy. Grant him strength each day to live to give you glory.

Thank you for my new baby boy. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen 

Thanksgiving Prayer For New Baby

Dear God. You are my shepherd. I shall not want. Thank you for the dawn of a new day. I will rejoice and be glad in it

Thank you for bringing this new baby into this world. A Precious and wonderful new baby.

Thank You for helping the mother to deliver safely. Thank you that the mother and new baby are in good health.

Thank you for the midwives and doctors taking care of this new baby. Thank You for providing financially for the parents to look after this new baby.

Thank You that this new baby has brought joy and happiness to his or her family.

Thank you that this new baby has a purpose on this earth to fulfill. Thank you that this new baby will grow up and be a responsible citizen.

To You be all the glory and honor. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Final Thoughts

It is always a joy when a new baby is born. It calls for celebration and jubilation. 

But we also want to pray and thank the Almighty God for the new baby.

If you are looking for a prayer for a new baby, we have written the above prayers for you.

Use or alter these prayers to pray for a new baby. Shalom.

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