6 Strong Prayers For My Son To Get A Job




Prayers For Son To Get A Job

Are you looking for prayers for your son to get a job? If your son has been made redundant, lost a job, or unemployed, it can be a stressful period in your life.

I know the feeling when your son can’t find a job. You don’t have to lose hope. God cares about your son’s joblessness.

You can effect a change if you pray for your son. So take time today and ask God to intervene in your son’s search for a job.

Let’s pray. 

Short Prayer For My Son To Get A Job

Dear Heavenly Father, my heart is full of praise and thanks to you. You are the rock on which I stand. You deserve all praise and honor.

My son has been jobless for some time now. He is not happy with this situation. This is causing a lot of anxiety for him. 

Lord, I pray that you make a way for him in search of a job. Lord, I pray that you lead him to the right institutions to send his application.

Lord I know with you all things are possible. I believe he will secure an interview and sooner or later he will start working.

I pray that you give him strength and courage in this difficult moment. Thank you for providing for him so he can put food on the table for his family.

Thank you, Father. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen 

Pray For Job Opportunities

Precious and Everlasting Father, thank you for my son. I am grateful to you for how far you have brought him. 

Lord right now the job market is saturated. Finding a job is becoming harder and harder. 

But I trust you will make a way there is no way. 

Lord, I pray that you open job opportunities for my son. Lead him to potential employers who are looking for the skills and competence he possesses.

I decree and declare that every door of opportunity closed before him be opened. To you be all praise. 

In Jesus’ Name, I Pray. Amen.

Pray Against Worry And Anxiety

Dear Lord. I am grateful that I am called your child. You are a father to me. I bless your holy Name. 

Lord, my son has applied for a lot of jobs and hasn’t received any job offer yet. This is causing a lot of worry and anxiety for him.

I pray that you take away any anxiety or worry that seeks to paralyze his faith.

Your word says in Philippians 4:6-7 KJV, “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

I decree and declare that worry and anxiety will have no place in his life. I pray that he keeps on trusting in you for a job.

To you Lord be all praise. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Pray For Son’s Upcoming Job Interview

Father In Heaven, I give you all praise and thanks for my son. You have been faithful to him all these years. 

Lord, my son is preparing for an upcoming job interview. I pray that you give him the wisdom to prepare for this job interview.

Direct him to the areas he has to cover and learn before the interview. Give him the boldness to face the interview panel. 

Grant him an eloquent speech so he can convey his qualifications and potential to prospective employers.

Precious Holy Spirit, you are our helper. Help my son in this interview.

I pray he finds a favor before the interview panel. Grant him the grace to answer all the questions at the interview intelligently.

I pray that his body language will speak volumes to the interviewing panel

Thank you for giving him victory in the upcoming interview. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For My Son To Persevere

Father God. you are my rock and fortress. I come to you this day with my thanks and praise to your Holy Name. Let your will be done this day.

Father, it is been a difficult season for my son. He has put in a lot of effort looking for a job. 

I pray that you give him the tenacity to persevere in the face of all the difficulties in securing a decent job.

Your word says in Isaiah 40:31,” But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint”

Thank you that he is persevering in the face of rejections. To you Lord be all honor. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Pray For Wisdom And Discernment

Abba Father, thank you for the grace to come boldly before your throne. I ascribe glory and honor to you.  

Lord my son has had so many job offers. I pray that you give him wisdom and discernment to decide on the job offer that falls in line with your will. 

May he not take a job offer based on the financial rewards only. I pray he takes a look at work-life balance and the opportunities for personal growth that comes with the job.

Your word says in James 1:5 KJV, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”

I trust you will give my son the wisdom to make the right choice. In Jesus Name, I pray. Amen. 

Final Thoughts

As a father or mother, you always want the best for your son. So to see your son being jobless isn’t easy.

So taking it upon yourself to talk to God about your son to get a job is the right thing to do. I encourage you to stand in prayer for your son.

God will make a way for him where there is no way. For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Use or alter them to pray for your son’s area of need. Shalom. Peace!

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