7 Helpful Prayers For Adult Children




Prayers For Adult Children

If your adult children have left home and you are worried about them, there is one thing you can do for them. Take time and pray for your adult children,

As parents, you should never stop praying for them. Because your adult children are going to face a lot of things in the world. There will be times they need to make decisions that will affect their life forever.

So pray and ask God to guide them in all the affairs of this life. So they will always bring glory to him.

Here are the 7 prayers you should pray for your adult children.

Short Prayer For My Adult Children

Heavenly Father, thank you for my adult children. You know how deep my love is for them. I pray and commit them to you. 

Lord God, ask for your hand of protection over them. Give them the spirit of wisdom to make the right choices every day.

I pray that You deliver them from ungodly influences. Help them to always seek your kingdom first and its righteousness. (Mathew 6:33 )

Lord, grant them strength to face any challenges or difficulties. 

I decree and declare that my adult children will be a blessing to their generation.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen 

Prayer For Adult Children To Know God

Lord God, you are awesome God. I pray for my adult children to know you.

Lord your word says they that know their God shall do exploit. Give them the desire to know you personally for them. ( Daniel 11:32 )

Lord help them to cultivate the habit of prayer and studying of your word. I pray that they will always join other believers in fellowship.

Grant them the grace to spend time in your presence each day. Lord thank you that my adult children are drawing closer to you every day,

In Jesus’ precious Name, I pray. Amen

Prayer For Adult Children Mental & Emotional Wellbeing

Holy Father, what a great God you are. We live in a world full of challenges and difficulties. But in all these, your word assures us of absolute victory.

I pray for the mental and emotional well-being of my adult children. I pray your peace will reign in their minds and hearts.

Help them to always cast their worries and fears on you. 

Your word tells us that in this world there will be tribulations but we should be of good cheer for you have overcome the world. ( John 16:33) 

 God, I take authority over the spirit of fear that will try to attack their minds.

I bind the spirit of confusion in their minds.  I decree and declare that they will have clarity, purpose, and direction for their lives.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For Adult Children Protection

God, there are a lot of bad things going on in the world right now. As a parent of adult children am a bit concerned. 

 Lord God I ask for your protection over my adult children. Deliver them from any form of violence.

I pray that you protect them against strange sickness and disease.  Lord let your angels protect them as they drive in their cars. 

Let no evil come near their dwelling place. I  pray against any attack of the enemy.

I decree and declare that Psalm 91 will be their portion. 

Thank you, Lord, for protecting my adult children. In Jesus’ Name, I pray Amen

Prayer For Adult Children To  withdraw From Bad company

Father God, thank you for your faithfulness toward my adult children

Father’s bad company corrupts good morals. Your word tells us not to be equally yoked with unbelievers.

I pray that you help my adult children to withdraw from any bad company. Lord grant them the power and willingness to withdraw from bad company. 

Lord God, bad company can lead my adult children to come face to face with the law.  This is going to cause a lot of headaches, worries, and financial loss.

So God I pray and ask for supernatural intervention in this situation. To you Lord be glory and honor.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayers For Adult Children  Facing A Hard Time

Abba Father, I just want to praise you and thank you. I pray for my adult children going through hard times.

Father, grant then the power to overcome any anxiety and worry due to this hard time  Lord, your word tells us many are the affliction of the righteous but the Lord delivers them from them all.

Give them the solutions they need to come out of this season of difficulty Help them to be problem solvers.

Let them never run away from any challenges that they are facing right now.

Grant them the boldness and strength to face this hard time.

I know with your help they will overcome this hard time and they will bring glory to your name.

Thank Lord for answered prayer. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For My adult children’s Choice Of Spouse

Father in heaven, am always concerned about my adult children’s choice of spouse. 

I pray that you help  them to make the right choice when  it comes to life partners

Father, this a choice that is going to have an impact on them for the rest of their life.

The statistics on the divorce rate are so alarming.

So I pray you help to get this right from the beginning. Bring Goldy spouses into life. Spouses who fear God and eschew evil.

I pray that you help them to choose godly values instead of beauty. (Proverbs 31:30)

Lord, I pray that you help them to understand marriage from your perspective.

Holy Spirit, I pray that you help them to be sensitive to your voice on the choice of their life partners.

Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Final Thoughts

If you are looking for prayers for your adult children, you are in the right place. Children are gifts from God.  So as parents, we have an obligation toward them. 

But when they become adult children, you should still be part of their life. You should take time to pray for your adult children in any need that may rise.

Continue to pray for them so they will always walk in the will of God. Hope you have found this article helpful.

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