7 Great Prayers For Sister In Law




Prayer For My sister in law

If you are looking for prayers for your sister-in-law. You have come to the right palace.

Your Sister in law is so special because of the marriage bond she has with your brother.

So praying for your sister-in-law is powerful and will take your relationship with her to another level.

Here are the 7 Prayers for my sister-in-law I have written for you to use or modify. 

Short Prayer For My sister In law

Father God, thank you for giving me such a wonderful sister-in-law. I couldn’t ask for more. I want to commit my sister-in-law to you. Lord, I pray that  her day will be blessed,

Guide her in all her endeavors today. Shine your light in her path today.

Let all your purposes and plans for her today come to pass. I pray your hand of protection over her today. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Prayer For Sick Sister In Law

God, you are the good shepherd. You are more than enough for us. Father, my sister-in-law is not feeling too well. So. am a bit concerned.

But I refuse to let fear and anxiety take the better part of me. I trust in your healing power.

You are a God who never changes. If you heal in the past, I know my sister-in-law will be healed.

I pray you sent ministering angels to send healing from your throne to her right now.

God, my sister-in-law is getting her health back. To you Lord be all the glory and honor..

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For Sister In Law In Hospital

Father God, my sister-in-law has been admitted to the hospital. Am a bit concerned. But Lord i believe you are her healer. 

With you, nothing shall be impossible. You do miracles. That is why you are called the miracle worker. 

I pray that you stretch out your arm and heal my sister-in-law. I take authority over any form of sickness or disease afflicting her body.

From today you are restoring her back to health and wellness. She is going from one level of strength to the other.

I pray for the doctors and nurses looking after her in the hospital. Lord let your grace be sufficient for them. 

Give them Lord a heart of compassion for my sister-in-law. I pray that you give them insight into my sister in law condition. So that the right medication can be prescribed for her. 

Lord thank you that my sister-in-law is coming home soon from the hospital. To you be all the glory.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For Safe Delivery For My Sister In Law

God, my sister-in-law is due to deliver her baby soon. I am over the moon for her. It has been a solid nine months of waiting. 

You kept her pregnant for all these months without any complications. To you be all praise.

Lord, I pray for a safe delivery for my sister-in-law and baby. I pray that there will be no complications during the delivery.

I pray for the midwife who will be assisting with the delivery. Lord, I pray that you give him or her the wisdom to handle my sister-in-law’s delivery.

Lord, I pray that she will deliver like the Hebrew women in Exodus 1:19.

Thank you that mother and baby are safe and well. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer Of Protection For Your Sister In Law

Lord God, there is so much evil going on in the world right now. But I know you as our protector.

So I bring my sister-in-law before your throne of grace. I ask for your protection over her life.

Deliver her from violent men and any imminent danger. Guide and direct her path.
I pray that you protect her from accidents as she drives her car.

Protect her from strange diseases and sickness. I cover her with the blood of Jesus.

I decree and declare that no weapon formed against her shall prosper. All to your glory.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For Sister In Law Before Surgery

Dear God, my sister-in-law is due to undergo surgery. I am a bit concerned. But I put my trust in you. Lord, I know you are the way maker. 

I pray that you give her courage in the face of this upcoming surgery. I know she will be feeling a bit anxious. 

God, please grant her strength so she can go through this surgery knowing you will be with her in the operation room.

Father, God, I pray for the surgeons and nurses undertaking this surgery. Lord give them the wisdom and skills they need to carry out a successful surgery.

I pray for a speedy recovery for my sister-in-law after the surgery

Thank you, God, for honoring your word in the life of my sister-in-law.

Your word says blessed is the man who put his trust in you. Yes, I have seen the fruits of it in the life of my sister in law. 

To you alone be the glory and honor. In Jesus’s Name. Amen

Prayer For Sister In Law On Her Birthday

Abba Father, your name is power. Thank you so much for this beautiful day. Today is my sister-in -law’s birthday. 

Great is your faithfulness towards her. What a great milestone in her life! I can’t wait to celebrate with her.

You have added another year to her life. This is the doing of the Lord. It is marvelous in our eyes.

Lord, I pray that you filled her day with joy and hope for the future.

I decree and declare your blessing upon my sister-in-law. May the dew of heaven fall on her. She is a blessing to her generation.

Among her peers, she will be called blessed. Because you Lord have exalted her horn like a unicorn.

May you surround and protect her from all evil this day. Her day will end in joy not sorrow.

Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Final Thoughts

You must count yourself blessed to have a sister-in-law. There are many benefits of having a sister-in-law.

Your sister I law will be there for you when you need her the most. So cherish and pray for your sister-in-law when there is a need in her life.

The 7 prayers above have been written to help you pray for your sister-in-law. So go ahead today and pray for that special sister-in-law. God bless.


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