7 Strong Prayers For Youth




Prayers For Youth

Are you looking for prayers for youth.? You are in the right place. Our youth are under constant attacks from the enemy.

They are our future leaders. So it is good to pray for our youth to preserve their future.

So we have written the 7 prayers for youth for you.

Let’s pray.

Short Prayer For Youth

Heavenly Father, King of Glory. You are the Great and mighty God. A Faithful and Righteous God. I give you all praise and worship.

Lord, I commit our youth to you. I pray that your mighty hand will keep and protect them from every attack of the enemy.

Lord, I pray that they will seek your Kingdom first in their lives. I pray for wisdom and guidance for them.

I pray that they will imbibe self-discipline so they will grow to be responsible citizens of our Nation.

May your presence go with them wherever they go. I decree and declare that they will find favor in your sight and the sight of men.

Lord blessed their going out and coming in. Thank you for the lives of our youth. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For Youth To Be Patriotic

Father God. To you be all praise and honor. Thank you for the gift of life. My heart is full of thanksgiving to you.

Lord, I lift our youth to you. Lord, I pray that you help them to be patriotic citizens.

Help them Lord to be good ambassadors of our nation wherever they find themselves.

May they uphold the values our nation stands for.

Give them a willing heart to join our armed forces to defend our nation.

Grant them the grace to always put our country first. Thank You, Lord, for helping our youth to be patriotic.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Prayer Of Protection For Our Youth

Dear God. You are the Great King of the universe. The Awesome God. Great is your mercy towards me. Thank you for the opportunity to see the dawn of a new day. 

I pray for your protection over our youth. Protect the minds and hearts of our youth from attacks of the enemy.

Keep them safe from any form of violence. I pray that you protect them from accidents or disasters.

Let your angels form a hedge of protection around them. I pray that the evil one will not touch them.

I pray that you will continue to protect them from gun or knife violence that has engulfed our nation.

Thank the Lord for your hand of protection over our youth. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer of Discipline For Our Youth

Abba Father. You rule in the affairs of men. You deserve all praise and glory. Thank you for the opportunity to see this beautiful day.

Lord, I pray for our youth to be disciplined in their lives. Help them to be disciplined with their academic work.

I pray that they will be disciplined with their time. At home, help them to be disciplined.

Guide them and help them to practice self-discipline in all their endeavors.

Precious Holy Spirit, help our youth to remain disciplined throughout their lives.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For Youth To Flee From Drug Use

Lord God. Thank you for the dawn of a new day. I praise and worship your Holy Name. 

I ascribe all glory and honor to you. 

Lord, I pray that you protect our youth from the use of drugs. I pray and take authority over the spirit of drug addiction.

I bind its influence over the lives of our youth. I pray that our youth will not be slaves to drugs. I declare war on the use of drugs in our schools.

For your word says in John 10:10 NIV, “ The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

Deliver them from the power of drug use. Lord God, pour out your Spirit on youth. So they will live to glorify your Name.

Thank You, Lord, for helping them say No to drugs. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen. 

Prayer For Our Youth To Be Committed To Their Education

Heavenly Father. Worthy are you to receive honor, power, and glory. I praise and worship your Holy Name.  

I pray for our youth to be committed to their education. Give them the grace to eschew all forms of laziness. 

Your words say in Proverbs 18:15 NIV, “The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.”

I pray that our youth will acquire skills and knowledge to help with their personal development.

God grants them the power to take personal responsibility for their education.

Thank you for your answered prayer. 

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen. 

Prayer For Our Youth To Walk In The Fear Of God

Dear God. This is the day you have made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. You are a great provider. I praise and worship Your Holy Name.

I pray our youth will walk in the fear Of God. For your word says in Proverbs 9:10 NIV “ The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

Lord, lead them in righteousness for your Name’s sake. Help them to acknowledge you in all their undertakings.

Grant them the grace to always seek to please You first in everything they do. Help them to learn to walk in the fear of God.

Thank You for our youth. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Final Thoughts

Youth form the foundation of every nation. So protecting these precious ones cannot be overlooked.

We need to ask God to work in the lives of our youth. So we have written the prayers for youth for you to pray over the youth in your country.

Use or alter these prayers for youth for your situation. Shalom! Peace!

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