5 Great Prayers For Pets




Prayers For Pets

Are you looking for prayers for pets? You have come to the right place. We all care so much about our pets. This love for our pets compels us to do anything for them.

So, if you want to pray for your pet, prayers for pets were written for you.

Use or alter them to pray for your pets.

Let’s pray.

Short Prayer For Pet

Heavenly Father, I praise and worship your Holy Name. You are the lily of the valley. The bright morning star. All power and might belong to You.

Thank you for the life of my pet (Name of pet ). It is a great joy and blessing to have my pet as part of our family.

I commit him or her to you. I pray for good health and long life for my pet.

I pray for a strong bond between me and my pet (Name of pet).

Lord, protect him or her against any sickness and disease.

I pray that you keep him or her safe from being knocked down by a car.

Thank you for watching over my pet (Name of pet).

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For Protection

Abba father. You are the King of Glory. Jehovah El Shaddai. I give you all praise and honor, Thank you for this beautiful day.

Lord, I pray that you protect my pet from all harm. Protect my pet from any strange disease or sickness.

I pray Psalm 91 over my pet. I decree and declare that no weapon formed against my pet shall prosper.

I pray that you protect my pet from any prey that seeks to attack him or her.

Let your angels form a shield of protection over my pet.

To you be all the glory. In Jesu Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For Good Health

Abba Father. Great is your faithfulness towards me. This is the day you have made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Lord, am always concerned about the health of my pet. I know It can be a difficult period for anyone when your pet is sick.

A visit to the veterinarian also comes with its associated cost. Lord, I lay my hand on my pet and declare good health for him or her.

I pray against any form of sickness or disease. I pray that I will remember to take my pets for their yearly health checks and seek advice about vaccinations and parasite treatment.

I pray that my pet will walk in divine health all the days of his or her life.

Thank you, Lord, for the good health of my pet.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For Pet suffering From Separation Anxiety

Dear God. Your Kingdom rules over all the kingdoms of the earth. I give you praise and glory. Thank you for the dawn of a new day.

Lord as I prepare to leave my pet alone, I pray that he or she will not suffer from separation anxiety.

I understand how difficult it is for my pet when I leave him or her alone. 

I pray that your presence will be with my pet.

Grant my pet freedom from any anxiety or stress. I decree and declare peace and calmness for my pet.

To you Lord be all glory. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For A Strong Bond With Your Pet

Father God. I am glad to be alive to see this beautiful day. Is all by grace and mercy. I bring to you my praise and thanks.

I pray for a strong bond with my pet. Help me to find creative ways to bond with my pet.

Grant me the grace to understand my pets’ body language. 

For your word says in Proverbs 12:10 NIV, “The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.”

I pray that my bond with my pet will grow stronger and stronger.

To you be all glory and honor.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Final Thoughts

The benefits of owning a pet can’t be overlooked. So if you looking for a prayer for your pets, look no further than the above 5 prayers for pets.

Use or alter these prayers for your specific pet. Shalom.  

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