7 Great Prayers Before Work




Prayers Before Work

Are you looking for prayers before work? If yes, then you are in the right place. Work plays an important part in our daily lives.

Work brings purpose and satisfaction to our lives. God uses work as a channel to meet our financial needs.

God admonishes us to work with our hands. (Genesis 2:15). So no matter your profession or job, you need to work diligently at it.  

If you are looking for prayers before work, these 7 prayers have been carefully written for you to help you invite God into your daily work. 

Short Prayer Before Work

Lord God, thank you for the gift of work. I want to commit my work this day into your hands. I pray that you help me to drive safely to my workplace.

Give me the wisdom to go about work skillfully. 

Help me to be an example to my co-workers. Help me to avoid all forms of laziness and procrastination in my work.

I pray that the atmosphere at work will be one of peace and harmony. Take away anything that will be a distraction.

Lord let there be mutual respect and love among my co-workers.

Let everything I do in my work today, be done to your glory. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Prayer Before Work Meeting

Father, in heaven, thank you for this work meeting this day. Help us in all of our deliberations today. 

Grant us all wisdom to come up with ideas and solutions that will help in the progress of our organization.

I pray against any confusion at this work meeting. I pray that we will all come out if this meeting united with one purpose. 

So we can take this organization to another level. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen 

Prayer Before Work As A Doctor

God, thank you for allowing me to work as a doctor. I don’t take this for granted Lord.  Use me, Lord, to bring comfort and hope to the sick in my hospital.

Lord, I pray for every patient I will encounter today. Bless them and bring healing to their bodies.

Help me to understand their condition so I can give an accurate diagnosis. Fill me with compassion and love for my patients.

Lord if there are difficult cases to deal with, I pray you help me find solutions to them. Help me to avoid any medical negligence in the course of my work.

Give me the strength to do all my work this day. Bless my colleagues’ doctors and give them direction in their work.

This I ask in Jesus’ name, Amen

Prayer Before Work As A Nurse

God, working as a nurse can be stressful and challenging at times. Dealing with abusive patients, unhappy relatives can be mentally draining.

So Lord I commit this day into your hands, As I prepare to go to work, grant me the courage and strength to handle anything that comes my way.

Grant me patience and love to care for my patients. It is not easy for the sick sometimes. They go through a lot of pain, frustrations, and mental breakdowns.

So help me to be compassionate towards my patients. I pray that you bless my patients and help them recover quickly. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Prayer Before Work As A Teacher

Father God, I love my teaching job. I want to help raise the next generation of workers. But sometimes Lord I get frustrated on the job.

I deal with students who just refuse to obey instructions. Lord help me to be patient with all my students.

Grant me wisdom to handle difficult situations that may arise during lessons. I pray that you give my students the spirit of obedience.

Help them to understand all that is being taught.  Lord help me to be a role model to all my students. 

In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen,

Prayer Before Work As A Pilot

Hello God. Thank you for giving me work as a pilot.  It is a great experience Lord flying people from one country to the other.  

This day I commit myself and the passengers I will be flying today. Lord as we fly in the air, sometimes am faced with bad weather.

 But a know you will grant me the wisdom to deal with it when that happens. I pray against any engine problems in the air. 

I pray for every passenger on the plane, grant them peace of mind. Help them trust in you that they will reach their destination safely.

To God be the glory, Great things He has done. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Prayer Before Work As A Lawyer

Lord God, what a privilege to work as a lawyer to bring justice to people who desperately need it.  Lord I commit all the cases am dealing with into your mighty hands.

Help me to understand these cases so I can go to court to defend my clients. Lord, You are the God of justice. Bring justice to my clients.

I pray that you give me the grace to articulate my arguments in court. I pray for the judge who will be sitting on any of my cases. Grant him or her what it takes to give fair justice.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray Amen. 

Final Thoughts

God wants us to do everything to his glory. You must be an example to your workmates in the workplace.

If you need prayers to help you invite God to work along with you, you have come to the right place.

The above prayers before work will help you carry God’s glory into your workplace. So you can be a blessing to the people you meet in the workplace.

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